Flock Groups
Meet on Wednesdays. We seek to walk together as brothers and sisters in Christ through the Flock Home Groups. These groups meet in various homes throughout the area. Midweek fellowship, love, outreach, care, and encouragement in Kingdom priorities through Bible study and discussion are areas of focus for the flock groups. These home groups are the basic backbone of Northgate, the primary place for relational fellowship, discipleship, and edification in the fundamentals of the Christian life.
Discipleship for All Ages
Northgate is committed to the discipleship of each child, young person, and adult. For each person there are three fundamental objectives:
Pathway of Discipleship - Adult Courses
Our mission is to make discipleswho are developing into consecrated followers of Christ, reflecting the character and nature of Christ Jesus. Various classes throughout the year enable believers to understand the Bible, to lay the basis for solid Biblical foundations in their lives, and help each one to gain perspective for success in daily living. Each class is designed to reinforce a pattern of discipleship whereby believers grow in Christ-centered faith, learning to love God, walk in His ways, bless others and impact society to the glory of God.
Prayer Ministry
From the leadership to the corporate community, we seek to walk as a house of prayer for all nations. We seek God for direction, pray for one another in discipleship and in body life, and practice the reality that God advances His kingdom in the hearts of people through prayer.
Alfred and Jacky Johnson lead Watch Night Prayer from 10:00 PM - midnight at the church every other Friday night. |
Kids Church in the NeighborhoodChildren age 3 through 5th grade. Sunday mornings at about 11:00 A.M. Leader: Bill and Andrea Thomas
Kids Church is a dynamic community of victorious children growing as champions for Jesus. With Kids Church we seek to reach out to children in the neighborhood and disciple them to have a personal relationship with Jesus as expressed by receiving Jesus as Savior and Lord, growing in child-like faith, experiencing God through praise and worship, loving one another in ways pleasing to the Lord, applying God’s Word to their lives, and sharing Christ with others through their example and word. Kids Church leaders share inspiring messages through child-targeted ways. |
Sisters of FaithWomen’s ministry at Northgate includes several areas such as annual women’s conferences, May Luncheon, Bible study, prayer times, and one-on-one discipleship training. Our mission is to encourage women in their walk with the Lord as individuals, in their marriages, and as mothers; provide opportunities for friendship; and help women find purpose and destiny in serving the Lord.
MUG (Men Under God) BreakfastThe men at Northgate occasionally meet for breakfast. They share in fellowship, Bible teaching, prayer and encouragement in their walk as men of God in their places of work, their homes and families, and their local church. The annual spring-time Men’s Advance is a special opportunity for men to grow in their walk with the Lord. One-on-one and small group discipleship opportunities are also available to the men.
MissionsNorthgate supports various mission outreaches both in the United States and abroad. Our outreaches include Israel, Jamaica, Togo, Bible Translators, Evangelistic ministry through music teams and preaching, local pregnancy centers, and new church plants. In each of these areas, Jesus’ commission to go into the world and preach the gospel to every person, teaching them to observe all He has commanded us, is the mandate that motivates our outreach.
Vacation Bible School and 3-Day Children's Clubs
Northgate reaches out to neighborhoods through Vacation Bible School and 3-day children’s Bible clubs held at various times throughout the year. Many of our congregants work together during these special times designed to help boys and girls hear the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Camp Courage (website)
Camp Courage is a summer children’s day camp designed to encourage champions for God. God told Joshua, a mighty champion, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” The mission of Camp Courage is to help instill this attitude in children. The camp offers various sessions, such as its all-around camp, soccer and games camp.
Community Fellowship Events
Throughout the year, Northgate sponsors several events designed to encourage community life, fellowship, and outreach. These events include sweetheart banquets, drama programs, neighborhood picnics, hot dog roasts, ice cream socials, fall harvest dinners, and other activities.
Living Grace Christian School (website)
God has given us a mission to raise up champions for God—servant leaders of godly character who will advance the cause of Christ and make disciples of all nations. As a ministry of Northgate Community Church, this Biblically-integrated school is for committed believing families in the body of Christ. Parents partner with the school’s staff and their home congregation in a three-stranded cord (Eccles. 4:12) that enables children to prosper in their growth as disciples of Jesus. Parents, teachers, and students work together in positive Biblical teamwork and relationship in order to help children understand their identity in Christ and God’s developing plan for their lives. The school is committed to Christian discipleship, academic excellence, and godly character development.